
The Talk 2040 concept is an original and innovative idea for learning English. It evolved from a related activity centred around general group chat in English for non native speakers, called My English Pals. Talk 2040 takes the chat a level higher than general discussion, by focusing the discourse on a specific topic delivered by an expert, such as an academic or recognised professional, as well as those in the business community.

The central innovation in Talk 2040 is the real-time monitoring and correction of a speaker’s English. As the speaker talks about their specialist field, the native English speaking host listens and then corrects mistakes at the end of the talk. This departs from traditional English learning in two ways:

First, the learners (both the speaker and the listeners) do not improve their English through studying structured lessons, based on fictitious scenarios such as asking directions and ordering a taxi; or on analysis of texts, as in comprehension exercises. Instead they listen to a topic that is not specifically intended for English language acquisition, even though it is delivered in English.

Second, because the speaker talks on a subject in which they are a recognised expert, they are fully engaged and invested in their speech, much more than if they were to do traditional exercises from a text book, or learn from media such as audio and video. In addition, the listeners are similarly more interested, invested and perhaps even captivated by a talk on an interesting topic than they would be when learning how to ask directions or to complain at a hotel reception.

The overall benefit and effect is the dual exercise of both language and intellectual skills, which we believe enhances the advancement of both.

Speakers can also choose whether they wish to receive feedback on their English skills during the sessions or also later on in a private communication.

Ultimately, Talk 2040 is very well suited to those individuals who wish to hone and enhance their presentation skills in English, whilst also engaging in a more meaningful way than in traditional lessons.

We hope you enjoy Talk 2040 and will benefit from its simple formula of real discussion of interesting topics with real-time English guidance, correction and insights. Your suggestions for improvement are welcomed.

Habeeb MaroufFounder and Coordinator

Melina Elena StylianouFounder and Coordinator

Pyrrhus MercourisAdministrator and Coordinator